Hida/DST Spectrum Observation

20070806 Ca H 01:43--01:52UT

Camera: GE1650
Frame rate: > 12[Hz]
FOV: 128" (slit direction)
Position: Radius/14'55"->+90",Polar angle/277deg38',Inclination/007deg38'
Exposure Time: 70[ms]
Slit width: 0.1[mm] (0.64")

Javascript Moive: click each image

Ca H3 Intensity (Transition Region)
The first half of each scanThe latter half of each scan

Ca H2 Intensity (h2r+h2v) (Chromosphere)
The first half of each scanThe latter half of each scan

Ca H1 Intensity (h1r+h1v) (Temperature Minimum Layer)
The first half of each scanThe latter half of each scan

Ca H3 Doppler
The first half of each scanThe latter half of each scan

Ca H2 Doppler (h2r-h2v)/(h2r+h2v)
The first half of each scanThe latter half of each scan

Ca H1 Doppler (h1r-h1v)/(h1r+h1v)
The first half of each scanThe latter half of each scan

Ca H whole-core Intensity
The first half of each scanThe latter half of each scan

Ca H Wing Intensity
The first half of each scanThe latter half of each scan