DST/HIS observation on 20150623
Observer : S.UeNo
Focus adjustment
Focus mode: 21:36:00 - 21:41:31 Focus mode

Active Region Monitor: AR12371
comment: Decay phase of a M6.5 flare. Two ribbons and post-flare loops.
-1.20 -0.90 -0.60 -0.30 +0.00 +0.30 +0.60 +0.90 +1.20
21:42:12 - 23:56:28 ( 224) 21:42:14 - 23:56:30 ( 219) 21:42:17 - 23:56:32 ( 209) 21:42:19 - 23:56:34 ( 205) 21:42:21 - 23:56:36 ( 199) 21:42:24 - 23:56:38 ( 215) 21:42:26 - 23:56:41 ( 216) 21:42:29 - 23:56:43 ( 221) 21:42:31 - 23:56:24 ( 225)

Active Region Monitor: AR12371 part2
-1.20 -0.90 -0.60 -0.30 +0.00 +0.30 +0.60 +0.90 +1.20
00:01:17 - 03:30:17 ( 155) 00:01:19 - 03:30:20 ( 151) 00:01:21 - 03:30:22 ( 146) 00:01:23 - 03:30:24 ( 148) 00:01:25 - 03:30:26 ( 146) 00:01:27 - 03:30:28 ( 155) 00:01:30 - 03:29:50 ( 149) 00:01:32 - 03:30:11 ( 163) 00:01:13 - 03:30:14 ( 162)

Dark Frames
comment: 30, 50, 60, 100 ms
+0.10 +0.20 +0.30 +0.40
05:02:14 - 05:03:44 ( 11) 05:02:16 - 05:03:46 ( 11) 05:02:11 - 05:03:48 ( 12) 05:02:20 - 05:03:41 ( 10)