DST/HIS observation on 20141028
Observer : S.UeNo
comment: Active region monitor during the telescope-maintenance.
Generally seeing was bad.
22:31:27 - 23:28:34 ( 89)
22:31:29 - 23:28:37 ( 92)
22:31:31 - 23:28:59 ( 91)
22:31:34 - 23:28:41 ( 89)
22:31:36 - 23:28:43 ( 92)
22:31:38 - 23:28:45 ( 92)
22:31:40 - 23:28:48 ( 93)
22:31:42 - 23:28:50 ( 90)
22:31:44 - 23:28:52 ( 90)
comment: Though the seeing was bad, some gas-flows along post-flare-loops can be seen.
03:28:09 - 05:45:03 ( 251)
03:28:11 - 05:44:45 ( 251)
03:27:52 - 05:44:47 ( 242)
03:27:18 - 05:44:49 ( 237)
03:27:20 - 05:44:51 ( 223)
03:27:39 - 05:44:53 ( 234)
03:27:41 - 05:44:56 ( 251)
03:27:44 - 05:44:58 ( 251)
03:27:46 - 05:45:00 ( 251)