DST observation on 20070727
Observer : Hagino, UeNo, Morita
VMG/DST calibration (Disc center, Quiet region)
comment: ここには観測のまとめを書きましょう。
02:47:22 - 08:09:01 ( 169)
02:47:24 - 08:09:03 ( 169)
02:47:25 - 08:09:04 ( 169)
02:47:27 - 08:09:07 ( 169)
02:47:29 - 08:09:09 ( 169)
02:47:31 - 08:08:56 ( 168)
02:47:33 - 08:08:58 ( 168)
Obserbations of plage region near the east limb.
comment: training run
08:53:44 - 08:53:44 ( 1)
08:53:40 - 08:53:51 ( 3)
08:53:38 - 08:53:49 ( 3)